The next generation of warewash dosing systems has arrived

For the washing of crockery, cutlery and glassware within the hospitality sector, at SEKO we understand that operators are under pressure to achieve exceptional results every time while minimising detergent and rinse aid consumption.


That’s why we’ve developed a range of dedicated automatic and manual warewashing solutions including the award-nominated WareDose series which include IoT functionality for unprecedented process control.


Along with SEKO's renwoned dosing precision, consistency and reliability, these next-generation dosing pump systems provide essential wash data via smartphone, allowing the operator to calculate chemical cost per load for unprecedented insight into their application.

Unser Warewash Lösungen

WareDose 35

In heavy-duty commercial dishwashing and glasswashing applications operating for over 50 hours per week, choose the dual-pump WareDose 35 compact chemical dosing system for an intuitive, precise and reliable solution.

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